
- 7 min read

Solving the Sum of Squares Problem: Optimizing Performance

img of Solving the Sum of Squares Problem: Optimizing Performance

Disclaimer: Enhancing Algorithm Discussions

Before delving into the main topic, I want to express my respect for the original post’s intent. My response aims to provide slight corrections that can benefit readers seeking accurate information. In the spirit of shared learning, I intend to contribute constructively rather than criticize.
Clarifications and alternative viewpoints can foster a deeper understanding of complex concepts. Let’s continue engaging in open discussions, embracing diverse insights as we collectively refine our knowledge.


Greetings, fellow Gophers! Are you ready to explore the intriguing world of Goroutines and unravel the mysteries of the sum of squares problem? Recently, a friend learning Go shared a medium article with me. It discussed Goroutines and how they can be used to solve a simple problem: calculating the sum of square numbers in a given array.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into how Goroutines, channels, and data structures in Golang can be utilized to tackle the sum of squares problem. We’ll also discuss common pitfalls and inefficient practices that can hinder performance. Fear not, my friends, for we shall also unveil secrets to optimizing your code and achieving exceptional performance. So, let’s embark on this quest together!

The Sum of Squares Problem: A simple problem

The medium article of my friend addressed the following problem: “6. Write a program that returns the sum of the squares of each element of an array in Golang.”

Easy enough. We need to iterate through every element in the array and add the square of each one.

func simpleSumSquare(items []int) int {
	total := 0 // total sum
	for i := 0; i < len(items); i++ {
		total += items[i] * items[i] // square the item and add it to the total
	return total // return the total sum

Can we simplify it further? The code is reasonably straightforward. However, can we make it faster?

Goroutines: Harnessing the Power of Concurrency

Goroutines, the superheroes of Golang, are lightweight threads that enable concurrent task execution. By utilizing Goroutines, we can execute multiple functions simultaneously, making our code more efficient and faster. But, with great power comes great responsibility.
One common mistake in solving the sum of squares problem is the improper use of Goroutines. Some developers create too many Goroutines without proper synchronization, leading to chaos and incorrect results. Remember, coordination is crucial!

Goroutines: Common pitfall

When solving the sum of squares problem, the choice of algorithm and data structures significantly impacts performance. The aforementioned medium blog post highlights the use of Goroutines and their potential to substantially improve performance.

func sumSquare(items []int) int {
	number := make(chan int)   // channel for sending numbers
	response := make(chan int) // channel for receiving responses

	var wg sync.WaitGroup // wait group for waiting for all goroutines to finish

	total := 0 // total sum

	// Create a goroutine for each item in the slice
	for _, item := range items {
		wg.Add(1)           // increment the wait group counter
		go func(item int) { // create a goroutine
			defer wg.Done()    // decrement the wait group counter when the goroutine finishes
			sum1 := <-number   // receive a number from the number channel
			sum1 = sum1 * sum1 // square the number
			response <- sum1   // send the result to the response channel
		}(item) // pass the item to the goroutine
		number <- item      // send the item to the number channel
		total += <-response // receive the result from the response channel

	defer close(number)   // close the number channel
	defer close(response) // close the response channel

	wg.Wait() // wait for all goroutines to finish

	return total // return the total sum

This code creates a new goroutine for each item in the array and then performs the squaring operation. It uses channels to pass values between the goroutine and the main thread.

However, is this code correct? As discussed in my previous blog post about the mergesort algorithm, there are better practices than spawning numerous goroutines. More than being lightweight is needed to justify using many goroutines; it still uses memory and time, and we must be cautious.

As always, let’s benchmark the code!

Benchmarking: The Quest for Ultimate Performance

Benchmarking lets us measure code performance and compare implementations to identify the best.

With Golang’s built-in benchmarking tools, we can easily measure the execution time of our code and identify bottlenecks. By tweaking our implementation and experimenting with different approaches, we can achieve optimal performance and revel in our achievements.

Hence, I’ve created a small function to benchmark our algorithms using randomly generated arrays of varying sizes to observe their performance at different scales:

func benchmarkFramework(b *testing.B, sumFunction func([]int) int) {
	sizes := [][]int{RandomArray(100, 0, 100),
		RandomArray(1000, 0, 1000),
		RandomArray(10000, 0, 10000),
		RandomArray(100000, 0, 100000),
		RandomArray(1000000, 0, 1000000),
	for _, size := range sizes {
		b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(size)), func(b *testing.B) {
			for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

Here are the results:


As we can see, the simple algorithm outperforms the complex one! Why? Because spawning too many Goroutines slows down the program and consumes a significant amount of memory.

Data Structures & Algorithms: Choose Wisely

When solving the sum of squares problem, the choice of data structures and algorithms significantly impacts performance.

I decided to develop a more efficient function. Consequently, I utilized chunks and a Goroutine pool.

A goroutines pool manages a set number of reusable goroutines, reducing overhead in concurrent programs. Chunks break data into segments for parallel processing, optimizing resource use, and enhancing efficiency. Combining these techniques streamlines parallelism, maximizing concurrency benefits.

Here is my code:

func simpleParallelSumSquare(items []int) int {
	const chunkSize = 10000

	if len(items) <= 10000 { // Threshold for small slices
		return simpleSumSquare(items) // Use the simpleSumSquare function

	// Divide the items into chunks
	chunks := make([][]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i < len(items); i += chunkSize {
		end := i + chunkSize // end index for the chunk
		if end > len(items) {
			end = len(items) // last chunk may be smaller than chunkSize
		chunks = append(chunks, items[i:end]) // append the chunk to the chunks slice

	// Create a goroutine for each chunk
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	resultChan := make(chan int, len(chunks)) // channel for receiving results

	for _, chunk := range chunks { // iterate over the chunks
		wg.Add(1)              // increment the wait group counter
		go func(chunk []int) { // create a goroutine
			resultChan <- simpleSumSquare(chunk) // send the result to the result channel
			wg.Done()                            // decrement the wait group counter when the goroutine finishes
		}(chunk) // pass the chunk to the goroutine

	wg.Wait()         // Wait for all goroutines to finish
	close(resultChan) // close the result channel

	// Sum the results
	total := 0
	for partialSum := range resultChan {
		total += partialSum

	return total // return the total sum

Can this code be improved further? I could reduce the number of allocations and enhance performance. However, I opted for simplicity to better illustrate pitfalls and good practices related to Goroutines.

Is it genuinely efficient? Let’s benchmark it, as always!


As we can observe, our new code is significantly faster!

Pitfalls and Bad Practices: The Road to Destruction

Ah, the treacherous road of pitfalls and bad practices. One common mistake is the excessive creation and destruction of Goroutines. Creating Goroutines carries a cost; making too many can slow your program and consume unnecessary resources.

Furthermore, we can use unsafe features to improve our code’s performance but must not sacrifice maintainability and safety for speed if it’s not really required. If you want to learn more about unsafe features available on Golang, you can look at the code published here on my Github .

Conclusion: The Sum of Success

Congratulations, my friends! We’ve journeyed through Goroutines, channels, and data structures, conquering the sum of squares problem. We’ve learned from our mistakes, optimized our code, and achieved top-notch performance.

But remember, the pursuit of knowledge is everlasting. Keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. And always remember, with great power comes great responsibility. So go forth, my fellow Gophers, may your code be swift, your bugs be few, and your adventures be legendary!
